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Learn to be a psychic detective

44 US dollars
Online and in person in West Sedona

Service Description

Ever wonder what it's like for psychic detectives to solve crimes with a photo or personal item from a crime scene. We will practice using photos to uncover information and tune into the essence of a person. Our work isn't solving crimes, it's learning to tune in and discern what's going on in the akasha. In order to participate, you must send a photo to me 2 days before class starts. This photo can be a person living or dead. It must be someone you know or is connected to you in some way. Please do not send photos of celebrities. Their face must be in the photo and without sunglasses and preferable without a hat. You acknowledge that the photo will be distributed to others in the group and will be evaluated collectively. This is such an interesting and insightful practice for developing your intuition in everyday situations. Email me if you have questions. Once you have registered and I have received your photo, I will email a zoom link for the class.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details


Cottonwood, AZ, USA

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